What we do

EFSEC is an independent self-regulatory body and external dispute resolution body that enables traders and brokers to resolve their disputes quickly, efficiently, impartially and authentically.

What we do

European Financial Services and Exchange Commission and its affiliates (“EFSEC”), is an independent self-regulatory organization and external dispute resolution (EDR) body, that is dedicated specifically to Forex. While the Financial Commission is not regulated by or registered with as an EDR body in any jurisdiction, it operates in a way where transparency, swiftness, and education are the paramount values.

European Financial Services and Exchange Commission ensures that traders and brokers are getting their disputes resolved in a quick, efficient, unbiased and authentic manner while making sure they walk away with a well-founded answer, thus contributing to their overall knowledge about Forex and Contracts for Difference (CFDs).

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has four principal functions:

Monetary – The issue and redemption of Cayman Islands currency and the management of currency reserves.

Regulatory – The regulation and supervision of financial services, the monitoring of compliance with money laundering regulations, the issuance of a regulatory handbook on policies and procedures and the issuance of rules and statements of principle and guidance.

Cooperative – The provision of assistance to overseas regulatory authorities, including the execution of memoranda of understanding to assist with consolidated supervision.

Advisory – The provision of advice to the Government on monetary, regulatory and cooperative matters.


Among the Monetary Authority’s obligations in carrying out its functions are the requirements to:

  • act in the best economic interests of the Cayman Islands;
  • promote and maintain a sound financial system in the Cayman Islands; 
  • use its resources in the most efficient and economic way;
  • have regard to generally accepted principles of good corporate governance;
  • endeavor to promote and enhance market confidence, consumer protection and the reputation of the Cayman Islands as a financial centre;
  • reduce the possibility for the use of financial services business for money laundering or other crime;
  • recognise the international character of financial services/markets and the need to be competitive for consumers and suppliers while complying with appropriate and relevant international standards;
  • recognise the principle that a burden or restriction that is imposed should be proportionate to its expected benefits;
  • recognise the desirability of facilitating innovation in financial services business;
  • be transparent and fair.

The Authority’s principal functions, and its obligations, are listed in Section 6 of the Monetary Authority Act.

What is so special about the Commission?
Financial Commission is uniting the FX brokers who know that proper conduct will be the top value required in all dealings and producing educated and smarter traders who know how things exactly work. We have also developed a transparent and straightforward approach to self-regulation in the digital currency markets, by providing free dispute resolution services between traders, exchanges, and financial firms.

By joining the Financial Commission, companies are demonstrating their commitment to upholding the highest standards of commercial honor and best business practices in conducting their business, regardless of their licenses and locations. These activities come together to create a cleaner, more credible Forex environment overall.
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how can we help you?

Contact us at the EFSEC's office nearest to you or submit a message online.